The WINS Onlus Foundation

The WINS Onlus Foundation is a non-profit institution that pursues purposes of social solidarity through education initiatives for young people.
About us
The WINS Foundation was founded in 2011 with the name “Wanda e Francesco Formiga onlus” by the Founder of Wins, Paolo Pietro Formiga. Over the years, the Foundation has supported schools and deserving students that were in conditions of economic, physical or social disadvantage, in Italy and abroad, through the dispensing of scholarships, prizes and subsidies.
In 2021, the Foundation changed its name to “Fondazione WINS – Onlus” and continues to pursue educational and cultural projects in order to lay the foundations for a better and sustainable society, made up of responsible, knowledgeable and international-minded citizens.


Paolo Pietro Formiga
Dr. Paolo Pietro Formiga – WINS CEO and founder – has a great expertise in the field of education. The Formiga family has been involved in international educational projects in Italy and abroad for 60 years. In 1958, the spouses Wanda and Francesco Formiga founded the first international school in Italy, the “International School of Milano”. In the following years, they founded other international schools throughout Italy. In 2017, Dr. Paolo Pietro Formiga – heir of Cavalier Francesco Formiga – founded WINS, thanks to the great experience gained over the years and taking up the new challenges of the school sector. WINS is characterized by the mission of educating students on the values of responsibility, care and cooperation, with the aim of letting students open up to the world, to multiculturalism and cultivate an international mindset from the earliest years of age.

Giorgia Garola
Mother of three girls, Giorgia Garola is a second-generation entrepreneur of SCAM Company, an engineering company that has been designing, manufacturing and exporting heating engineering systems for power plants, petrochemical and shipbuilding plants since 1930.
Before joining the family business, she chose to make a career in some multinational corporations. Today, her company is the place where she plans change and invests in innovation.
She was the president of Confindustria Piemonte Giovani and, when she left for chronological age reasons, she was immediately called to be part of the national commission on education of Confindustria.
She is the Coordinator of Yes4To, an inter-association panel of Turin entrepreneurs and professionals, where she has always dealt with guidance in schools and projects aimed at creating local opportunities to bring young people closer to the world of work and business.
She has recently joined CEIP, the center for the internationalization of Piedmontese companies, where she is contributing to develop the local businesses abroad.
What we do

The WINS Foundation has several courses of action:
it provides money, goods or services to support people in need;
it carries out projects in the fields of education, professional development and acts against educational poverty
it organizes cultural, artistic or recreational activities of social interest;
it disseminates the culture of volunteering;
it organizes activities of educational guidance and prevention of early school leaving.


Scholarships 21/22

For the school year 2021-2022, the WINS Foundation made available four scholarships to attend the IB Diploma Programme, with total or partial coverage of the Tuition Fee.
The scholarships were addressed to talented students to allow them to obtain a diploma of high academic value, which is an important passport to continue studying in the best universities all over the world.
Esperienza Orchestra” of Filarmonica TRT

Wins Foundation, in collaboration with Filarmonica TRT, offers a highly professional training path for young talents within the activities of the Filarmonica TRT. The project offers to young selected artists to improve their training by playing together with the orchestra professors of the TRT Philharmonic during the symphonic season and chamber music season.
Scholarship for AIL
Associazione contro
le leucemie Onlus

Wins Foundation partially cover a scholarship promoted by AIL – sezione di Torino. The grant is intended for a young researcher who provides assistance and promotion of motor activity in children and adolescents undergoing haematopoietic stem cell transplantation during the hospitalization in Centro Trapianti Cellule Staminali Ematopoietiche (CTCS).
Christina Noble
Children’s Foundation

Since 2022, Fondazione WINS has been supported the Children’s Walk for Hope, encouraging its families to register for a get-together walk to support the crucial work that the Christina Noble Children’s Foundation does to protect and empower vulnerable children at risk of trafficking and abuse in Mongolia and Vietnam.
Foundation Time2

WINS Foundation has started a partnership with Fondazione Time2, which creates and promotes projects of inclusion for young people with disabilities. Among the projects, WINS offers its facilities for their sports training and promotes basketball and soccer tournaments when WINS students and Time2’ young athletes play together.

WINS MYP and DP students organized a Winter Charity Market, with a diverse range of goods, crafts, and treats. All the proceeds have been collected by Fondazione WINS and donated to the Association “Camminare Insieme” to support 40 mums and 80 children in need.
Camminare Insieme is a local association that provides healthcare to people in poverty and social marginalization, with particular attention to foreigners, pregnant women and children, for a more inclusive society.
Our Friends

Right to Education Initiative

WINSme Tutoring OneToOne is an initiative aimed at offering students individual support in the chosen MYP or DP subject thanks to distinguished IB educators.
WINSme will donate 1,5% of their turnover to Fondazione WINS for each session sold. The funds will be collected to support equity and the right to education of less fortunate students, promoting schooling as a key tool for human development through the Sustainable Develoment Goals
World International School of Torino

Via Traves 28, 10151 Torino – Italy
Ph : + 39 011 197 2111 – Fax: +39 011 1972150