The Key to
a global future
World International School of Torino develops a student’s talent from 2½ to 18 years old in a dynamic, multicultural, cutting-edge context.
World International School of Torino is the new frontier of education with a truly international identity and a strong passion for nurturing talent.
We appraise our results every day to continuously improve the learning experience of our international Students, combining our values: innovation, excellence, forward thinking, passion and integrity.
As an international school of Europe, WINS ensures that its Students can benefit from multiple growth opportunities thanks to the highest-quality academic curriculum, can develop a personal inter-cultural understanding, and be surrounded by strong human values like inclusiveness and respect.
At World International School of Torino the Learner is at the heart of the development strategy. Students with their dreams, interests, skills and willingness to learn and grow are for us the key resources to start with. On this assumption we designed the World International School of Torino around the Learners.

World International School of Torino is the latest cutting-edge project of The Formiga Family, the leading pioneers of international education projects in Italy since 1958
Wanda and Francesco Formiga launched the first idea of an international school in Italy, the International School of Milan. It was an innovative idea for that era, but year-by-year the success of the project rose to amazing heights. The first stone was laid; it was the beginning of a “World Without Frontiers” (Cav. F. Formiga).
1984 – 1998
The Formiga Family opened another three international schools in Italy, in Monza, in Siena and in Modena. In addition to these, run by partners, the International schools of Bergamo, Brescia, Como and Bologna were opened.
The Family’s schools launched a digital transformation, which involved the use of personal tablets as a teaching tool, alongside books and traditional methodologies.
One of the most recent additions to the family’s venture was the opening of the ISE Kiddy English in Milan.
Paolo Formiga is now bringing one of his key assets to Torino, the World International School of Torino: a colossal experience in international education. To the Formiga Family every new international school is a precious entity to be fostered.
With this premise, World International School of Torino aspires to be the new frontier for education, leveraging on a powerful technological partnership and, obviously, on a strong passion for nurturing talent.
For Paolo Formiga it’s vital to have an obsession for excellence, thus improving the learning experience of international students day-by-day.